Saturday, June 19, 2010

6 Months in Review

"And finally, the job search continues perhaps more intensively than ever before. Perhaps it's that whole, having nothing to do during the day without a job or school. I'm trying to not be extremely picky though I want to find something that I'm at least vaguely interested in and that I can see myself working for at least 3-5 years." (December 24th)

"On a slightly different note, unemployment has provided me with a bit of spare time that I've tried to capitalize on though it hasn't always worked out well. I have been cooking more than usual and trying some new dishes. I've also been reading much more for leisure than before including an entire book in a night!"
(January 11th)

"I've built a good network here and know that there are great things to come for this area. So far though, only 6 of my 16 jobs are in those states and 4 of those have the potential to be in my areas of interest. Honestly, and this is something that may be totally mental for me, I simply don't know how ready I am for this inevitable change." (February 9th)

"I've really come to value the connections that I've made with student affairs professionals over the last few months. It was great to talk to people in Louisville especially those that have or may have job openings at their institutions. It's also exciting to hear from friends randomly about jobs that are available or will soon be available. It's glimmers of hope like this that make waiting for the right position worth it." (March 28)

"She also asked how I broke my ankle in the first place. My response, though not as descriptive as the whole truth, is still an honest statement- "I was in a restaurant and lost my footing. My ankle rolled and broke in 2 places." Technically, the place is a restaurant a much greater percentage of the time than it is considered a bar or club. And yes, I was dancing when I lost my footing, but it was lost nonetheless."
(April 5th)

"There were a few jobs that I consciously chose not to apply for because they were out of my geographic or skills comfort zones or because I honestly shouldn't settle for much less that what I'm qualified to do. This may not be the best policy; however, I feel pretty strongly that I can find a great job that offers me a great opportunity to move up without having to start at the absolute lowest level of the higher ed hierarchy. (May 24th)

"One interesting thing to come out of the interview was how one of the staff members described me - as a "conduit." After hearing my present and meet for a bit in a small panel interview setting, she gathers that I have a tendency to channel the thoughts and emotions around me to move the creative process." (June 6th)

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