Thursday, December 24, 2009

Life Update

Since it's been a while, I'll give you a brief run-down of what my life has consisted of over the last month or so:
  • Final papers and projects that didn't actually have much of an impact on my grades--thank goodness for some of my awesome cohortmates who helped keep me sane.
  • An amazing and humbling surprise from Kelli--the LSU Ambassadors have named an award after me. It's been two weeks and I'm still speechless on the matter but incredibly honored.
  • Last days at work that were full of hugs and such
  • Graduation and all that it entailed
  • A variety of presents to myself for graduating--most notably are an iPhone and a leather armchair (I've wanted it for years and it was very, very much on sale!)
  • Long-awaited new movies--(500) Days of Summer, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Angels & Demons, Inglourious Basterds, The Hangover. Still to come is Glee- Road to Sectionals.
  • Presents for family and friends--I'm pretty pleased with myself this year!
And finally, the job search continues perhaps more intensively than ever before. Perhaps it's that whole, having nothing to do during the day without a job or school. I'm trying to not be extremely picky though I want to find something that I'm at least vaguely interested in and that I can see myself working for at least 3-5 years.

I've been looking outside of the region that I'm really hoping to work in to increase my chances of finding something. Here's how I see it, I can work in an area that I don't absolutely love at a job that suits me or even in an area that I love at a position that I'm a bit iffy about, but I can't see myself working a job that I don't love in an area that I don't like. It also helps to be near friends though I'm trying to not limit myself to that as much as possible.

Here's a bit of a breakdown of the positions that I've applied for so far:
  • 2 positions at the University of North Texas in Denton (north of Dallas)
  • 1 position at the University of Texas (stationed in Longview)
  • 1 position at the University of San Antonio
  • 1 position at Baton Rouge Community College
  • 1 position at Georgia State University (in Atlanta)
There are a few others that I'm considering, but I'll wait until I actually apply for those to let you all know.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the job search...and I am not surprised at all that they named an AMB award after you! You always gave 150% more than anyone else. Congratulations on being such a badass!! <3
