Things I'm looking forward to over the next week or so:
- Back-to-back sessions-- Wednesday to Friday and Sunday to Tuesday. It will be quite exhausting but I'm interested to see how it comes together.
- Possible trip to Atlanta next weekend-- I'm still debating but I'd like to go visit Kyle and Jeff sometime soon.
- New movies-- The fourth season of Weeds comes out on Tuesday and next Friday, Away We Go may be in theaters here. I still want to see Night at the Museum 2.
- Setting plans into action--I'm hoping to be a little bit creative, get some writing done, and get part of an assignment taken care of on Saturday. I'm very excited about the possibilities that are ahead and just hope that I can stay on top of things.
- Catching up with people-- I got a wedding invitation in the mail today for Jen and Danny's wedding and it was perfect!! It was definitely something that represented them well and I cannot wait to hear about all of their planning and such. I also have to call Katie to check on her growing baby bump to see if she's lost sight of her toes yet or not!
War Eagle!
Night at the Museum 2 was great! I really enjoyed it!