Monday, May 3, 2010

Job Search Count

Active Applications: 25ish
Rejections: 18ish
Phone Interviews: 7 (and one on Wednesday)
On-Campus Interviews: 5

This is not a fun process to go through the first time around. People say that it's much easier after the first time since "you'll have a job while you're searching." Being somewhat unable to get around easily (read: almost entirely unable to get around easily) doesn't help the situation much though it has given me more time to search each day.

I interviewed at LSU last week and think it went well although I'm not the best judge of how these things go. Also, I heard via email this morning that the Delaware position went to something with "a stronger interview overall" and more professional experience. How can I gain professional experience if I can't get a job?!? Oh well, later this afternoon, I set up an interview with the University of Arkansas for Wednesday. Apparently, one of my close friends and soon-to-be-fellow-former-Orientation-GA, Ryann, is interviewing for the same position. She's amazing and is much more qualified for this position so it will be very interesting to see how this plays out.

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