Monday, March 1, 2010

Ya Have to Follow Through

I've been back from my interviews for a few days now and have hesitated to post too much (again for fear of jinxing myself). So, just what have I been up to since Friday? Honestly, not a whole lot.

It took me a few days to get back into a routine after being gone for nearly two weeks and I tried to just let that happen as it needed to. Sunday was Mock SROW Day--one of my favorite days for LSU Ambassadors! It was great to see all that this year's SROW Committee has worked so hard to put together especially since this will be the first SROW since 2005 that I will be missing... sad day, I know. I got particularly emotional seeing the skit that will be used to transition hosting responsibilities to LSU mostly because it really is amazing to see something that I've worked for and fought to achieve for so many years brought to fruition!

Other than that, I've resumed the job search process as I don't want to let too much ride on possibilities that are unsure. I'm hoping to hear back from both schools by the end of the month which gives me some time to follow up with other applications and to look for other options that may be right for me!

1 comment:

  1. This is me, commenting on your post.

    Love you!

