Sunday, July 5, 2009

Post-Austin Info

I had an amazing weekend with some more than amazing people in Austin!! I'm sitting in the airport waiting to head back to Montgomery for what's sure to be a long week. Between getting things together for Session 8 and working on some end of the summer evaluations, I've got to somehow find time to pack for my trip to Baton Rouge for my brother's wedding. Oh, and I've got to prepare a speech for the rehearsal dinner, find time to pick up a present (or two since I was gone for the showers too) and make sure someone is picking up my tuxedo. Since my weekend wardrobe will be fairly simple, I am going to try to bring home some things if possible to make my final return trip less cluttered. Once I'm back in Baton Rouge, I'm planning to spend Friday morning getting a haircut, picking up keys to my new apartment and maybe, just maybe spending some quality time with my cat, Miles, who may or may not be getting a little buddy soon.

I'll be back in Auburn on Saturday afternoon just in time for the camp counselors banquet! The parent counselors have theirs the following night as well. It's only been a few weeks but I know that I'm going to be very sad to leave this place and all of these wonderful people. Officially, I'll be back in Baton Rouge on July 15th for Parish Race Webber's 1st birthday! I won't stay in town for long though with Jen and Danny's wedding festivities, moving to the new apartment, The Fray in Dallas and the rest of my Tour de Tejas to keep me busy until I return to work the first week in August. This summer is definitely shaping up to be spectacular!!

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